Leslie Cousins. Principal Ecologist, 2021

Leslie Cousins. Principal Ecologist, 2021

Suitably Qualified Ecologist

I hold personal survey licenses for GCN and Bats, I am a full member of the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management and have over 10 years experience in the field of ecological consultancy.


Why Hushwing?

Before retaining as an ecologist, Leslie followed a career in construction management and is conversant with the real world language and processes of development.

Working extensively across south-east England, Leslie has been involved in ecological consultancy since 2009.  

In 2016 Leslie was awarded a doctorate from the University of Essex for his research which examined the use of metrics in the context of Biodiversity Assessment and Offsetting. This research project was concurrent with the Defra Biodiversity Offsetting Pilot of 2012 which saw Leslie sit on the Essex Pilot Steering Group.

From October 2021 Leslie became freelance and now provides services under the name Hushwing. Drawing upon his wide experience and comprehensive knowledge base, Leslie provides a specialist service for landowners, developers, designers and planners. 

Biodiversity Net Gain, offsetting and mapping form the main focus of his work which is supported by continued involvement with species and habitat surveys.


I became interested in ecology through a fascination with wild places and wildlife. The point objective of this project is to provide a meaningful and positive contribution towards wildlife conservation, the protection and restoration of functioning natural communities and ecosystems”.

Sustainability and social responsibility are key. With a preference towards not for profit organisations and social enterprises, wherever possible any business conducted through Hushwing will seek locally sourced goods and services.

In recognition of the advances gifted to researchers through the efforts of programmers and developers within the global open source community, Hushwing will make a small contribution from each commission towards the development and maintenance of the software which powers the work it does.

Preserving and restoring a legacy of wild places for future generations is no-longer viewed as a desirable option but recognised as a societal imperative that is within our gift to bestow.

Preserving and restoring a legacy of wild places for future generations is no-longer viewed as a desirable option but recognised as a societal imperative that is within our gift to bestow.