Hushwing provides development professionals with expert support to enable the delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain. I have a wealth of experience obtained from projects large and small, below are examples of services where Hushwing can help.

Biodiversity Net Gain

Developing Space for Nature


Habitat survey UKHab v2.0, Condition Assessments, GIS Habitat Mapping, Assessment, Calculation (Defra’s Statutory Metric), offsite assessments, offset solutions, Feasibility reports, Design Stage Reports, Implementation and Construction Plans, Habitat Management and Monitoring Plans, Urban Greening Factor Plans and Auditing Reports.

Surveys for Protected and Priority Species and Habitats

Rare, Threatened and Endangered


Great crested newt, environmental DNA sampling for multiple species, bats, tree inspections for bats, badger, reptile surveys, hedgerows,  bird surveys, National Vegetation Classification, UKHab, otter, water vole, common toad, hedgehog…

Reports for Planning

Reports and Plans


Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA), Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA), Species Reports, Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA), Environmental Statement (EIA), Land Use and Ecology (BREEAM), Ecological Design Strategy (EDS), Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (LEMP), Construction Environment Management Plan (Biodiversity), Working Method Statement (Biodiversity, Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy (BES), Biodiversity Mitigation Strategies.

Professional Support during Construction

Construction Phase Support


Providing continuous support through to completion and handover. Once your development project has been given the green light from planners, I can provide ecological input or manage sensitive ecological features through Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW), oversee and coordinate protected species licensing.